About Me
I started web development 6 years ago. After graduation, I developed simple company websites, single introduction pages and fixed existing websites done in PHP. HTML and CSS were my basic skills.
While I was experiencing many existing websites, I learned popular web frameworks and languages such as PHP, Wordpress, Node.js, Express.js, Python, Django, Angular.js, Angular 2+ and React framework, etc.
Learning course needed much effort and time, but I could start bigger and more complicated tasks with confidence.
In recent years, I was hired for several companies including Live Bela LLC, Producement and Entvbox, etc. As an individual contributor to those companies, I completed many tasks and several web projects completely and launched websites online.
I worked remotely and collaborated with several developers in the Scrum framework in those companies.
I used Git, Jira, Trello, Asana for collaboration and source versioning.
I have practical experience in every stage of website development from project analysis, developing, deploying, testing and release.
I can provide:
- Frontend and backend development
- Elegant and performance effective solution using various web development languages and frameworks
- Full-time work for 5 days per week
- Suggest new ideas and apply the latest technologies
- Real-time communication
- Lead development
My Services
I have been working on web development for 6 years.
I can handle both frontend and backend development
I have experience with Ubuntu and Windows server configuration
I deliver your business as fast as possible.
Code Skills
Design Skills
Working History
Frontend Developer - Ispolink
2021 - 2022Developed blockchain based job matching portal which will innovate the Europe job market
Fullstack Developer - Producement
2020 - 2021Accompanied with Pactum, PayQin, Salv, Clean Kitchen
Fullstack Developer - Entvbox
2018 - 2019Implemented new design and features using Django + Angular stack.
Fullstack Developer - Live Bela LLC
2017 - 2018Launched Belacam photo sharing website using Python + Angular stack based on belacoin.
Fullstack Developer - Moonrock
2017 - 2017Launched VSphere firewall management website.
Education History
Tianjin University of Technology
2008 - 2014Studied computer science, speech recognition, digital signal processing. Submitted thesis for Noise reduction in speech


Song is a very talented and highly motivated developer. I highly recommend him and truly believe he will be an asset to any company looking to produce innovative software.

Song is like working with more than another member of your own team, understanding and preparing the job before starting are only couple of hes impressive qualities.

CEO & Co-Founder of Ispolink | Blockchain | Web3 | Metaverse
Songs is well-versed developer with exceptional skills. His accuracy, experience with various technologies and efficiency is what makes him a great team player that is able to deliver and attain great results
Contact Form
Contact Informations
- Address: HunHePu Hunnan XinQu, ShenYang LiaoNing, China
- Phone:
- Job: Lead Developer
- E-mail: songxunzhao1991@gmail.com
- Skype: songxun.zhao
Founder of Belacam.com
Songxun is the kind of person you can pass a task to and trust that it will be completed swiftly. He works well in remote settings and puts communication first.